
Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect Cases Go Unreported

Deciding when to move a loved one into a nursing home is a difficult decision. We all want the best for our family, and need to consider several things when it comes to picking the right home. Unfortunately, nursing home abuse and neglect is more common than we think.

Every year numerous nursing home abuse or neglect cases go unreported. In February of 2009, a report done by CBS News came out that showed in just two years, 1999 – 2001, “5,283 — over 30 percent — of the nursing homes in the U.S. were cited for an abuse violation. Over 2,500 of the violations were serious enough to cause actual harm or to place residents in immediate jeopardy of death or serious injury.” (read full story) At Borchardt Law Firm we wish that no family has to ever experience nursing home abuse or neglect, help prevent abuse or neglect by knowing the warning signs that you can look for when you’re loved one is in a home.

According to the Nursing Home Abuse Center signs of abuse to look for include:

Obvious signs:
• unusual bruising or bleeding
• open wounds, sores or cuts
• burns and abrasions
• sudden and unexplained change in weight
• soiling, poor hygiene, smell of urine or feces
• infections
• loss of hair
• torn, stained, or bloody clothing or bedding
Less obvious signs:
• listlessness or unresponsiveness
• infantile or other strange behaviors
• physical or emotional withdrawal
• disappearance of personal items
• sudden and unusual financial transactions

If you have a loved one that you believe might be a victim of abuse or neglect don’t hesitate to contact a lawyer to discuss your legal options. At Borchardt Law Firm we have seen and dealt with many nursing home abuse cases, and we believe that the work we do and recommendations we suggest will protect future generations of Texans. Feel free to give us a call.

Toll Free: 866.832.9300
Phone: 817.332.9300
Fax: 817.332.9301
Burnett Building
801 Cherry St #1005
Fort Worth, Texas 76102
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